Neighbourhood houses are welcoming, inclusive places which bring people together to build and strengthen their communities. We are spaces where everyone can attend, participate, lead, and learn through programs, services, and community building. We open our doors as a second home in the community and offer needs-based programs and services to residents. Neighbourhood Houses build healthy and engaged neighbourhoods by connecting people and strengthening their capacity to create change. We approach everything in a holistic way, supporting the whole person, the whole family, the whole …
South Vancouver Family Place (SVFP) has provided strength-based support and capacity-building programs for families and children 0 to 5 for over 43 years. SVFP is a "Home Away from Home" for many families and provides connectedness, belonging and social support. We encourage peer learning, assisted learning, and community responsibility to strengthen our participants' capacity and confidence. Our preventative programs are critical in ensuring healthy outcomes for children and families. We offer a Drop-In service, early years development workshops, counselling, one-on-one parenting support and employment training/job …
The Sunalta Community Association (SCA) is a non-profit organization that serves the inner-city community of Sunalta in Calgary. Its vision is to build a community that is inclusive, supportive, vibrant, and thriving. SCA actively creates space for residents to be leaders, mobilizes community assets, builds innovative partnerships, and generates revenue to invest into the community. Alongside its partners and volunteers, we run more than 400 free programs, events, and initiatives each year to address community-wide concerns of poverty, social isolation, food insecurity, and complex social …
MWPC is a not-for-profit, volunteer based organization that acts as a unified body of the community leagues in MillWoods, The Meadows & Ellerslie, striving to make Southeast Edmonton a safe and supportive community to live, work and play. Our purpose is to realize a thriving southeast Edmonton as a safe and supportive community to live, work and play. Our mission is to identify opportunities for community improvement through a recurring forum that brings together leaders, stakeholders and elected officials; then champion solutions through partnerships and …
In 1948, the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association (HSCA) was incorporated as a non-profit society by the Government of Alberta. In 1978, a new community centre was built in the Hillhurst Athletic Park incorporating the 1953 Community Hall and since then staff, volunteers and residents have strived to realize HSCA’s mission “to preserve and enhance a healthy and vibrant quality of life for the residents of Hillhurst-Sunnyside”. HSCA is a charity that operates on the leading edge of community-serving organizations in Calgary. We champion programs and …