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Community Gardens

Lending Libraries

Resident-Led Programming


Professional Association

Neighbourhood Priorities

Arts & Culture


Food Security


Learn about Sunalta Community Association

The Sunalta Community Association (SCA) is a non-profit organization that serves the inner-city community of Sunalta in Calgary. Its vision is to build a community that is inclusive, supportive, vibrant, and thriving.

SCA actively creates space for residents to be leaders, mobilizes community assets, builds innovative partnerships, and generates revenue to invest into the community. Alongside its partners and volunteers, we run more than 400 free programs, events, and initiatives each year to address community-wide concerns of poverty, social isolation, food insecurity, and complex social issues. We also operates a 100-year old heritage hall as a community centre and as a social enterprise where profits support our programming.

As part of the Community Hubs Initiative, the SCA's work focuses on: (i) creating welcoming and inclusive gathering spaces, (ii) building resident engagement and leadership, (iii) providing access to supports and services, and (iv) providing platforms to spark community economic development. The SCA is currently building a new community hub to increase its capacity to fund and deliver programming. The Hub will be a purpose-built facility, a social enterprise, and will include a community kitchen, coffee kiosk, and programming spaces. The Hub is scheduled for completion in the fall of 2024 and our project was the winner of the Mayors Urban Design award in 2019.