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Learn about South Vancouver Family Place Society

South Vancouver Family Place (SVFP) has provided strength-based support and capacity-building programs for families and children 0 to 5 for over 43 years. SVFP is a "Home Away from Home" for many families and provides connectedness, belonging and social support. We encourage peer learning, assisted learning, and community responsibility to strengthen our participants' capacity and confidence. Our preventative programs are critical in ensuring healthy outcomes for children and families.

We offer a Drop-In service, early years development workshops, counselling, one-on-one parenting support and employment training/job placement for South Vancouver and Fraserlands parents. We also operate a food hub with SVNH, PIRS and a community garden in partnership with Farmers on 57th. In addition to the programs, we also operate a Licensed Preschool program with a capacity of 30 spaces and an enrolment of 65 children as of October 2022. Our preschool helps young children learn the basics of "learning and social behaviour" to ensure they are equipped with the skills needed to have a positive and successful experience when entering elementary school for the first time.