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This article from Ipsos highlights the key statistics and findings from the BBC Global Survey conducted in January and February 2018. The online poll asked 19,428 adults under 65 years old in 27 countries about their perspectives on their country’s social tensions and divisions. The study finds that 76% of …
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A “third place” was described by American sociologist Ray Oldenburg as a space for informal, free social interaction, essential to democracy. This term serves as a reminder that human connections need nurturing. Third spaces nurture this by providing environments where people can congregate and interact with one another. Coffeehouses were …
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The Economic Benefits of Parks in New York City report studied the economic value of New York City's entire park system. Approximately 99% of New Yorkers live within a 10-minute walk to a green space, and residents visit these spaces over 527 million times per year. These parks create billions …
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Good mental health can improve various aspects of people’s lives such as coping skills, relationships, educational achievement, employment, housing and economic potential, and can help reduce physical health problems. The physical and social environments of urban life can both positively and negatively contribute to an individuals mental health and wellbeing. …
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Competitive Cities: A Local Solution to a Global Lack of Growth and Jobs
Economic Development
Since January 2014 the World Bank Group has analyzed two questions regarding competitive cities: 1) What makes a city competitive; and 2) How can more cities become competitive. This analysis shows that the competitiveness of cities can improve issues relating to poverty and daily living. Competitive cities create several million …
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States of Incarceration: The Global Context 2024
Safety & Security
Prison Policy Initiative (PPI) states that the United States of America has the highest incarceration rate of any independent democracy on earth. Taking into account U.S. states and territories, PPI found that El Salvador has the highest incarceration rate, and Massachusetts with the lowest rate. Despite this, Massachusetts would rank …
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In this Bloomberg video, mathematician Hannah Fry explores the issue of water scarcity and the growing global tensions as water becomes a more valuable resource than oil. These issues combined call for greater technological advances to secure the world’s future needs. In the video, current innovative technologies and strategies to …
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