Food Programs
Exercise & Health
Community Gardens
Facility Rentals
Senior Programs
Social Networking Programs
Tax Clinic
Neighbourhood Priorities
Economic Development
Community Planning and Development
Community-Led Initiatives
Learn about Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association
In 1948, the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association (HSCA) was incorporated as a non-profit society by the Government of Alberta. In 1978, a new community centre was built in the Hillhurst Athletic Park incorporating the 1953 Community Hall and since then staff, volunteers and residents have strived to realize HSCA’s mission “to preserve and enhance a healthy and vibrant quality of life for the residents of Hillhurst-Sunnyside”.
HSCA is a charity that operates on the leading edge of community-serving organizations in Calgary. We champion programs and initiatives that strengthen the capacity of residents to have meaningful engagements with each other and the world around them. We are a vibrant community hub - creating welcoming spaces within and beyond our walls, both virtually and in-person; a place where communities of interest, mixed demographics (income, age, backgrounds, ethnicities, newcomers, housing type) converge to participate in a shared sense of community and connection with others. We build collaborative connections with organizations and initiatives including Enough for All, Arusha Centre, James House, Aurora on the Park, Norfolk Housing Association and Brenda Strafford Society to increase our impact, reach, and ensure efficiency of program and service delivery across organizations.
HSCA offers several programs and services which put our mission to preserve and enhance a healthy and vibrant quality of life to the residents of Hillhurst Sunnyside into action. These include childcare, facility rentals, recreation, markets, committees and a range of community programs focused on increasing social connections.