Because of the flexible nature of the Neighbourhood Houses, their services can considerably differ. However, their benefits tend to traditionally include, yet are not restricted to:
- Tutoring, mentoring and daycare
- Community gardens and local food accessibility programs
- Facilities for community programs in general, and in particular, sports practice
- Opportunities for local businesses
- Organizing and hosting of events
- Promotion of artistic endeavours
- Administrative and financial support
- Options for affordable housing
- Initiatives around immigrant settlement and integration
- Community mobilization regarding economic, safety, health-related, and housing issues
- Sustainability projects
- Efforts focused on tackling environmental and technological challenges
- Heritage conservation
In the Calgary neighbourhood of Sunalta, their community came together in 2014 to create important additions such as a community living room, an outdoor soccer pitch, a community garden, and so much more. Learn more about the Imagine Sunalta project in the following video: