Fast Company introduces the 7 international Chief Heat Officers (CHOs) who assist in making
their respective cities more resilient from heat. Extreme heat is a dangerous climate crisis that can kill more than 5 million people per year. Buildings and roads absorb and trap heat, making
cities more unfavourable for living. It especially impacts lower-income and minority
neighbourhoods as there is less shade, and individuals often have pre-existing health conditions
and often need to work through the heat. The alliance is made up of all women - an intentional
strategy to improve women representation as they are disproportionately impacted by extreme
heat. These CHOs assist in preventative work, such as helping those communities adapt to the
heat and alerting people to the dangers. Some strategies include installing cooling pavements
and roofs, and planting more trees for canopy to bolster cities' heat resilience. The article
continues to discuss the problems each CHO faces and how they are taking action.