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What Bike Planners Are Missing When They Design Projects in Black and Latino Neighborhoods

Diversity, Inclusion & Equity Mobility


Researchers at Rutgers University (US) are studying biking attitudes in disadvantaged communities. Black and Latino respondents are more likely than white respondents to cite fear of racial profiling or crime as a deterrent to cycling. After traffic crashes, the risk of robbery or assault is the second most common barrier to cycling cited by black and Latino respondents. Racial profiling is the third. New bikeways set up only with consideration for traffic-related factors could provoke “an increase in frustration among residents, if the design leads them to the very parts of town that they seek to avoid”. The lead researcher recommends that the public planning process take into account these perspectives from the outset. One way to do so is to map pedestrian and bike deaths and overlay them with crime maps, so that both types of safety concerns are addressed in tandem.

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