A guide to help you determine if this tool is helpful to you.
Participatory budgeting takes a portion of a government budget and puts it in the hands of residents to determine how it's spent.
There are many community benefits that result from engaging in participatory budgeting.
There are several steps to organizing a participatory budgeting event.
Advice on how to approach Partipatory Budgeting (PB).
Experiences with Particpatory Budgeting.
A big city comes together for transformative change.
The PB Network based in the UK has quite a few blog posts of residents describing their experiences in participatory budgeting
Participatory Budgeting Project has produced some case studies, which you can find below the map
Dare to Imagine have published a case study from New York. It details the experience of setting up PB across the city
In 2018, the City of Vancouver used Participatory Budgeting to gather and implement ideas to improve the west end of the city
A call for youth action.
Participatory Budgeting in Vancouver.
A toolkit for Participatory Budgeting.
A guide to help you determine if this tool would be useful for you.