Creative Neighbourhood Lab

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Social Media Content Release Policy and Procedures
This project aims to develop a Media Use and Content Release Policy for South Vancouver Family Place. The goal of this project is to enhance professionalism and effectiveness at South Vancouver Family Place by establishing responsible media practices, safeguarding privacy, and maintaining a positive public image. This policy aims to establish guidelines for responsible media practices, ensuring privacy for participants, and fostering the organization's positive image. Key objectives include aligning the policy with South Vancouver Family Place's mission, complying with legal standards, and engaging stakeholders …
Hub Project Marketing Plan
The goal is to create a comprehensive marketing plan to effectively promote and introduce Sultana Community Association's community hub to the public.
Kits House Website Engagement and Best Practices
The goal of the project is to enhance its digital presence and operational procedures on Vancouver’s Westside. This involves updating and humanizing the narrative of their work through compelling web and social media content, while also reviewing and modernizing operational procedures with leadership support. The aim is to improve engagement, accessibility, and effectiveness across digital platforms, ensuring Kits House remains a vibrant community hub that meets the diverse needs of its residents through inclusive and innovative programming and services.
Social Media Support
The project entails developing a comprehensive plan for the MWPC social media platform with the goal of establishing it as the primary destination for individuals seeking information about events and activities organized by Community Leagues. Our aim is to enhance the visibility and influence of MWPC, particularly to attract a wider audience especially in order to garner support for our significant Mill Woods Canada Day Celebration event. To achieve this, we hope to implement various strategies to ensure MWPC becomes the go-to platform for discovering …