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Park with people

Great cities are the
result of fostering
thriving neighbourhoods

Great cities are the result of fostering thriving neighbourhoods

How we help

Imagine Cities is a nonprofit that provides residents with digital tools to learn, plan, and gather
resources to build neighbourhoods where residents can thrive.

Our digital tools

Search Engine

Access a comprehensive repository of research focused on neighborhoods. From housing affordability to job creation and wellness, find actionable insights to drive positive outcomes in your neighbourhood.

Aerial view of neighborhoods

Learning Guides

Our learning guides offer tools and skills designed to solve complex problems. These resources are distilled into an easy-to-understand format, providing access to proven methods from neighbourhoods around the world, empowering you to improve your life and those around you.

Data and insights

Learning Guides

Our learning guides offer tools and skills designed to solve complex problems. These resources are distilled into an easy-to-understand format, providing access to proven methods from neighbourhoods around the world, empowering you to improve your life and those around you.

Creative Neighbourhood Lab

Our cities are filled with immense amounts of creative talent ready to solve problems. We want to connect you with that talent to push the boundaries of what’s possible in your ability to improve your neighbourhood.

Aerial view of neighborhoods

Become a partner

Join our growing community of creative problem solvers